Call Kathy @ (559) 225-2092 For Facility Rental
Call Kathy @ (559) 225-2092 For Facility Rental
Help Us Share the Love of Jesus.
Sharing the Love of Jesus! is Our Goal here at GSLC. (Artwork provided by Sue H. from recent paint night held at GSLC.)
As a community of believers, we are called to serve God through love and faithful service.
"Come Have a Life Changing Experience."
Pastor Ted Niemi
Join us in person or live-stream on Facebook this Sunday. We have moved to one service at 10AM and will be live-streaming it.
The videos are saved to the page so you can watch them any time.
If you would like to follow along with the readings or would like to see the most recent announcements, click on the "Find out more" button below and you will be taken to the page where you can download the current Devotional and Announcements document.
Homebound Ministery provides a packet that you can download from this website or call the church office and we will happily add your name to the email or hard copy list. Click on the "Find out more" button below to download the current Devotional and Announcements.
There will be a food distribution of the Lutheran Hunger Network at GSLC located at 5140 N. Fruit Ave., on April 5 from 9-1PM. You can come for any or all and don't need to have signed up. Central CA Food Bank will provide gloves, but volunteers need to bring their own masks if desired and wear close toed shoes. As in the past, anyone planning to volunteer on Saturday who is or has been feeling ill - especially if they have or have had a fever, cough or flu-like symptoms - is asked to PLEASE stay home. Volunteers will be encouraged to drive through and get food for their own household, too, just like usual. Please share this information with anyone you know who could benefit and with those who might want to volunteer. Questions can be directed to Julie @ or 559-287-3457. Thank you for your ongoing support of this ministry.
Mar 30 - Brunch and Brainstorming @ 11AM, Jacobson Hall
Apr. 2 - Worship Committee Meeting @ 4:30PM, Pr. Ted’s Office Apr. 2, 9 - Soup Supper @ 6:15PM & class @ 7PM Jacobson Hall Apr. 13 - Palm Sunday Apr. 14 - Esther Circle @ 6PM, Comm Ctr Apr. 15 - Tax Day Apr. 17 - Council Meeting @ 6PM, Jacobson Hall Apr. 17 - Maundy Thursday Service @ 7PM, Jacobson Hall Apr. 18 - Good Friday Service @ 7PM, Jacobson Hall Apr. 20 - Sunrise Service @ 8AM
Pancake Breakfast @ 8:30AM
Worship Service @ 10AM
Easter Egg Hunt @ 11AM
Apr. 21 - OWLS @ 12PM, TBA Apr. 23 & 30 - Wednesday Evening Bible Study @ 6:30PM, Comm Ctr Apr. 30 - Staff Meeting @ 10AM, Pr. Ted’s Office Apr. 30 - KingsMen/KingsKids’ @ 6:30PM, Jacobson Hall
Dear Friends,
As I write this we are nearing the beginning of the Church season of Lent. Lent is the forty-day period of repentance and renewal preceding Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter. Lent is a special time for meditation, prayer and other penitential practices. It is a time for renewal of baptismal vows and recommitment to our faith.
Some people fast during Lent; others will change some behavior they know to be unhealthy or unhelpful to their life of faith. Some add extra prayer time, Bible reading, or whatever else helps us be mindful of Easter and all that it means. It is a time to focus on all Jesus did for us.
It is the tradition here at Good Shepherd to join together each Wednesday night during Lent to gather for soup suppers and a Bible class. I invite you to join us at 6:15 for the dinner followed at 7:00 with the class. You could also just join us for the soup or the class. This year we have something special lined up for the soups. Susie Gutierrez is making plant-based soups on Sunday. You can join her after worship as she is teaching how to prepare the soups. We will then eat the soup on Wednesday.
I always look forward to gathering on Wednesdays during Lent. It is a time I get to sit down and eat with people that I don’t always get to spend that much time with. I find we grow in our relationships each year as we share each week what is going on in our lives. I hope this can be a time you grow in your relationships with God and other people!
God’s Peace,
Pastor Ted
5140 North Fruit Avenue, Fresno, California 93711, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 01:00 pm |
Appointments can be scheduled outside of normal hours.
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